Why do cats constantly meow?

Do you ever get annoyed and wonder why do cats constantly meow? Naturally, some cats kinds are more vocal than others, but constantly meowing can be a sign of a critical issue that you need to look into. Many pet owners couldn’t get the right answers for reasons why a cat meows constantly, that’s why reading this blog post will be a helpful guide to you.

What Does a Cat Meow Mean?

One of the popular characteristics of cats is that they always make noises. Besides that meowing is their way to communicate with people or other cats, that’s why the meaning of a cat's meow can vary depending on the situation and the cat's personality. 

For example, a cat who meows at the food bowl is probably asking for food, while a cat who meows at the door may be asking to go outside or an indicator of fear!

  • Does every meow mean the same thing?

No, not every meow means the same thing. Some meows are signs of love and affection, while others can be signs of distress, pain, or confusion, that’s why you need to pay attention to your cat. And for your information, cats make other sounds such as chatters and yowls, which sound different than meows. 

In addition, there are different types of meows like yowl, thrill, chirp, long and short meow, and purr.

For now, you are aware of the meaning of cat meowing, let’s move to why do cats constantly meow and what are the common reasons.

Read More rare facts about cats

Why do cats constantly meow?

There are many reasons that might be the answer to why a cat meows constantly:

  • Attention-seeking: Cats meow when their owner's attention is away and trying to tell you what it needs.
  • Boredom: When cats are left alone for long periods, it will start to meow and yowl.
  • Medical problems: If a cat is meowing constantly and you have ruled out attention-seeking and boredom reasons, it may be a sign of a medical problem:
  • Pain: If your cat is in pain for any cause, it will meow loudly.
  • Deafness: Deaf cats meow excessively because it cannot hear itself and trying to get your attention.
  • Cognitive dysfunction syndrome: This is a condition that affects older cats and can cause them to constantly meow.
  • Stress: the common reason why do cats constantly meow is they are stressed. And this will happen when there’re changes in the environment, the cat is exposed to loud noises or it left alone for a long time which makes the cat develop separation anxiety.

Also, there’re common reasons why a cat meows constantly meow you need to know about.

  • Common Reasons Why Do Cats Meow

Not all cats' meows are bad signs or need extreme attention, and if you’re a new pet owner, you’ll understand more about your cat over time.

For now, here are the common reasons why a cat meows constantly:

  • To communicate with their owners: Cats meow to get their owners' attention, to ask for food or treats, or to let their owners know that they need something.
  • To express their emotions: Cats meow to express happiness, sadness, anger, or fear. They may also meow when they are in pain or feeling stressed.
  • To mark their territory: To mark their territory is may the answer to why do cats constantly meow and especially male cats.
  • To attract male mates: During the breeding season, it’s common that female cats to meow to attract male mates.
  • To play: When cats are playing, especially if they are playing with a toy or another cat, they will meow and purr out of happiness.
  • To greet: Cats love to greet its people, so when you arrive home, or whenever it walks by you in the house, it will meow.
  • To solicit attention: Cats seek attention from people and may express this desire through vocalization. Cats that are frequently left alone for extended periods of time may be more prone to meowing for attention.
  • Elderly cats: one of the reasons why do cats constantly meow becomes obvious when they are in their senior years. Because of the mental confusion or Alzheimer's stage, they will experience.

Besides being influenced by their breed, age, and personality, a cat's meow can also mean different things to different people.

Kinds of Meowing

Are there kinds of meowing? 

5 Kinds of Meowing:

To be able to understand why do cats constantly meow in different situations, you need to understand the 5 kinds of meowing and when it used.

    1. Purr: it's not technically a meow but it's the familiar vocal that cats use to express relaxation and happiness.
    2. Chrip: It's the vocal kind a cat will make when it's excited or hunting prey
    3. Thrill: A trill is a combination of a meow and a purr, and is often used to greet.
    4. Yowl: Yowl is a serious kind of meow because it is usually used when a cat feels pain, distress, or discomfort.
    5. Short and long meow: When a short meow usually means that a cat wants attention or wants to be petted. This type of meow is also used as a greeting. But, when a cat gives a long meow that sounds stretched out, it may be a sign that the cat needs attention urgently or is feeling distressed.

If you’re wondering why do cats constantly meow, it is important first to rule out any medical problems. If there is no medical cause, you can try to reduce the amount of meowing by the following tips.

How to Handle Cats' Meowing?

Trying to reduce excessive meowing in cats requires patience and consistency, as every cat is different, and what works for one may not work for another, therefore, you need to learn some tips to help your cat:

  • Identify the reason for the meowing: 

The first step is to identify the reasons why a cat meows constantly. Is it because it wants attention? Is it boring? Is it stressed? Once you know the reason, you can easily handle it.

  • Avoid rewarding meowing: 

When your cat meows and you always respond, it learns that meowing gets it what it wants. So, it's better to avoid giving attention when it meows and only give it attention when it's not meowing.

  • Provide your cat with enrichment: 

If your cat is meowing because it is bored, try to provide it with more enrichment. This could include giving it new cat toys, scratching posts, or hiding food around the house for it to find.

  • Desensitize your cat to stressors: 

Why do cats constantly meow? Is it stressed?

Try to desensitize it to the stressors. This could involve gradually exposing your cat to the stressor in a controlled environment and rewarding it for staying calm.

  • Consult with a veterinarian or behaviorist: 

If you are unable to reduce the amount of meowing on your own, and you can’t identify the reasons why a cat meows constantly, you may need to consult with a veterinarian or a feline behaviorist. They can help you to determine the cause of the meowing and develop a treatment plan.

Additional tips:

  • Be consistent: If you want to help your cat reduce meowing, you need to be consistent with your approach to let your cat learn the trick. .
  • Identify the kind of meowing: As mentioned above there’re different kinds of meowing and you need to know what exactly your cat try to express through meowing..
  • Pay attention to the situation: Some cats can give mixed signals through meowing and you won’t be able to identify why do cats constantly meow..
  • Understand your cat's body language: A cat that is meowing and rubbing against you is probably feeling affectionate while meowing and hissing is probably feeling threatened.

Do cats meow to talk to humans? 

Yes, cats meow to talk to humans. Meowing is a vocalization that cats developed specifically to communicate with humans. They have learned that they can get what they want by meowing at us. 

So they often meow to initiate play, petting, or to get you to talk to them. And if you want to cut down on attention-seeking meows, stop responding when it happens. Only give them attention when they are quiet.

Meowing is a very versatile vocalization, and cats can use it to communicate a wide range of things. Some of the most common things that cats meow for include attention, food, water, and affection.

However, adult cats do not meow at each other, they use hissing, growling, purring, and trilling to communicate with each other.

  • Do cats communicate differently with humans than with other cats? 

Yes, cats communicate differently with humans than with other cats. Kittens meow to their mothers to communicate their needs, such as hunger or thirst, and once kittens reach the adulthood stage, they stop meowing and start using other vocalizations to communicate.

Cats have learned that meowing is a good way to talk to humans because it gets their attention. This way of talking has developed over time as cats and humans have learned from each other.

So here’s the final information you need to know about why do cats constantly meow and what are the most and least vocal cat breeds.

The most and least vocal cat breeds:

Here are some of the most vocal cat breeds:

  • Siamese
  • Sphynx
  • Persian
  • Ragdoll
  • Scottish Fold

And the least vocal cat breeds: 

  • British Shorthair
  • Scottish Fold
  • Maine Coon
  • Chartreux
  • Russian Blue

In conclusion, I hope this blog post has helped you to understand why do cats meow constantly and what you can do to reduce the amount of meowing.


  • Do Cats Meow At Other Cats?

No, adult cats do not meow at each other. Meowing is a vocalization that cats developed to communicate with humans. However, kittens do meow at their mothers. This is how they communicate their needs, such as hunger or thirst.

  • Can Meowing Mean Something Is Wrong? 

Yes, meowing can sometimes mean that something is wrong. If your cat is meowing excessively, or if its meows sound different than usual, it could be a sign of a medical problem. Some medical problems that can cause cats to meow excessively include pain, deafness, overactive thyroid, or kidney disease.

  • Why is my cat meowing so much?

Cats meow for many reasons, from the serious to the attention-seeking. They include hunger, thirst, pain, illness, aging, mating, stress, boredom, loneliness, or attention seeking. Some diseases can also cause excessive meowing. If you're concerned about your cat's meowing, it's best to check with your veterinarian.